Friday, July 6, 2012

Would Jesus hang out at Hooters?

So, would he? Don't answer too quick. What about the local bar on a Friday night?

I believe he
hang out at Hooters or any other place today's "good" Christians frown upon. You see, Jesus made it very clear that he came to this world for the non-believers - not the believers. He came for the sick, not the well. He came for the sinner, not the saved.

In Matthew 9 and Mark 2 the Bible clearly shows Jesus
reclining with tax collectors and sinners. Now, look at that line again - Jesus was reclining with them. He was not sitting straight up at attention and nervously looking around to see who might see him. He was reclining. I don't know what reclining means to you but to me it means relaxed, resting, comfortable and in no rush to leave.
Now, can you do that? Could you go down to the local Hooters or Pike's Peak and hang out without feeling like you were doing something wrong? Or, would you be looking over your shoulder constantly to see who might have seen you there because you know your name would be ruined at Church for sure.

I challenge you to think long and hard about this one. Let me tell you a true store that happened to me.

I worked in a small office with about 12 people. I was the only Christian in the office. I really cared about these people and they were my friends so when they went to their monthly Happy Hour at a local bar I decided to go along. All bars have Coke on hand because it is used in many mixed drinks. So, I decided to go and hang out and just drink pop. Let me interject here that I really don't think there is any sin in drinking. The Bible clearly says the sin is in being drunk and losing control of yourself. Anyway, I was sitting at the bar next to my friend. She had been going to a few Bible study classes and had some interest in the subject but she was the kind of person that would never ask someone else about it. Wow, this girl could drink! She could drink most men under the table. We had been sitting at the bar for about an hour and she had drank 5 or 6 bottles of beer and was feeling a little tipsy. She leaned over to me and asked "So, what is this Jesus thing about anyway?" I would be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. It took me a second to get my head together and then I began to tell her the story of Jesus. We talked for a few more hours - way past Happy Hour! This occurred on a Thursday night. The next day at work she called me to her desk and said she was ready to commit her life to Christ and she AND her daughter both came to church Sunday morning, went forward during the invitation and were baptized. Now, I don't tell this story to bring credit to myself. I tell it to show that we should go wherever life takes us. If I had been too "good" to go to that bar with my friends she may have never asked the question that led to a life change. And, if you are asking yourself where she is now - well - she is amazing! She has been on fire for God since that weekend. She has way surpassed me in witnessing and a Christlike life. I just thank God often that he gave me the opportunity and the Holy Spirit gave me the words.

So, again, I challenge you - don't avoid people or places because of what society thinks of those people. Remember, Jesus talked to the woman at the well when society said that NO ONE should speak to her. It was the very reason she was at the well at the time of day that she was. She had to wait until all the "good" people were through at the well before she could go get her own water. I suspect Jesus was waiting for her. He had such love for people like this. I think we should too.

Here's a link to a site where this idea is discussed and I seem to be on the outs of the general opinion!

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