Friday, July 6, 2012

Train wreck one mile down the track!

God recently gave me a great analogy I want to share....

We all find it tough to witness at times and it seems close friends and family are the hardest to talk to of all! Here's something to think about.....

What if a loved one was getting on a train and you were 100% sure that one mile down the tracks, the bridge was gone! You are certain that if your loved one gets on that train that they will plummet to their death one mile down the track. Wouldn't you do everything in your power to get them off of that train even to the point of acting like a fool?

That scenerio is just fiction but the real truth is that millions are on the train to hell and its OUR job as believers to do everything in our power to get them off of that train and onto the one whose track never fails!

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