Friday, July 6, 2012

A tough holdout for some people...

Here's something to think about when witnessing to an unbeliever....

If a person's family or friends are not Christians and they are considering becoming one there is a tough hurdle they have to deal with emotionally at some point that I think a lot of Christians never realize.

If this new person comes to believe that the ONLY way to heaven is Jesus (
I am The Way, The Truth, The Life and no one can enter the kingdom of heaven except through me) then at some point they have to accept that all of their loved ones who have died before are NOT in heaven.

Think on that for a minute.

But grandpa and grandma were good people! They helped others and never hurt anyone"

My dad was a coach all his life and helped so many kids!"

" Mom never hurt a soul. She took care of the poor and gave to needy"

The Bible clearly shows that being "good" is not the way to heaven. For a new believer to learn and accept that Christ is the only way, he has to accept at some point that his loved ones who have gone on before that were "good" people but did not know Jesus are not going to be in Heaven.

I have no answers for how to deal with this but I believe this may be the reason some will never accept Christ. The thought is just too much to handle.

Put this in your hat and remember it when you are dealing with a person who has no logical reason for not accepting Christ. They may not know how to voice it, but this may be what holds them back.

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