Friday, October 5, 2012

Bountifully Blessed in Order to Bountifully Give

One of the issues I have debated with others about quite often is given or tithing as the church calls it. I have heard every excuse in the book for why we don't have to give, why we can't give or why it just isn't our duty to give. Personally, I think they are all hogwash.

I have been told that its our duty to find out how the receiver will use the gift and this should determine whether we give or not. I must disagree with this also. I probably need to clarify this statement though because obviously, some wisdom must be used in giving. For example, I know of a situation where a church member withheld their financial support from the church because they did not favor one Elder of the church. To me, this is just an excuse to keep your money for yourself. That's kind of funny since the money we have is not really ours anyway.

One person I continually discussed this with explained that although he had given 10% faithfully, he had never received the return we are promised. My answer to that has always been that the giver's attitude was not right. I will agree that obedience is in order even if the heart is not but I'm not sure we are richly blessed and rewarded for our obedience as much as we are for a right heart.

So, how does a person get a right heart? It seems an impossible thing to convey to another. Recently, as I was reading Proverbs it hit me like a lightning bolt! Here's the verse that got me: Proverbs 22:9 "Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor".  Do you see the answer?

I've never understood holding on to possessions so tight and I think it comes from a story I heard as a child. The story goes: Some parents and their children were camping one weekend in their family camper. The mother was washing dishes and took off her wedding ring and put it on the back of the sink. In the commotion of packing up she forgot to put her ring back on. On the trip home, she realized she did not have it on. They stopped and tore the camper apart to find it but never found it. Her daughter began to cry for her mom and felt horrible. Her mom said to her "Honey, never cry over anything that cannot cry over you".  I have to admit... if I had been in the same situation, I'm pretty sure I would have been crying! But, I never forgot the story and it taught me that possessions are just that - possessions - things - you can't take them with you!

Here's the point I learned from that Proverb verse - We must FIRST see ourselves as bountifully blessed before we will have the right heart and attitude when giving to others! Once you believe that God has given you everything you have and will continue to bless your socks off it makes it so easy to turn around and bless others!

After reading that and pondering it over the last couple of weeks I absolutely believe it to be true. I am constantly telling others how blessed I am and I believe that! I love to share my blessings with others. I have often told others that I can really see in my life when I am giving and when I am not. Its very obvious in the blessings that I receive. Seriously!

Moral of the blog.... If you are one of those folks who have a hard time parting with cash, possessions or your time to help others try to look at your own life and see how you have been blessed and pay attention to every good thing that comes your way and thank God for them! Over time, you will begin to feel blessed and as you make it habit to do so, you will begin to experience the unbelievable joy in giving!

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